Motion and Specialty modules

Lamonde Products Productivity3000 Motion & Specialty Modules

High-speed systems using precise counting, timing, or motion need an I/O module that can process high pulse rates independent of the CPU scan. The Productivity3000 has several specialized modules including intelligent high-speed I/O. These modules can track or supply 1MHz pulse rates ideal for precision control. Simulator and filler modules are also available.

Motion Control & Specialty Modules
- Productivity3000® Programmable Automation Controller

... more cost effective than any automation control solution in the market!

With the Productivity3000 PAC, you get all the power you need for advanced applications. The great thing is, even if you don't need every bell and whistle, you still get an easy-to-use, super-flexible machine that costs less than most traditional programmable controllers.

Motion and Specialty Modules for the 
Productivity3000 PAC (P3000)

Productivity3000 PAC High Speed Input Module (P3000)

P3-HSI High-Speed Input Module

The P3-HSI is a high-speed (1MHz) input module that has both differential and single ended inputs.

  • This module accepts Pulse/Direction and Quadrature signals on each of the two independent input channels.
  • It also provides four general purpose high-speed inputs and four general purpose 5-24 VDC 0.5 amp, outputs.
Productivity3000 PAC High Speed Output Module (P3000)

P3-HSO High-Speed Output Module

The P3-HSO is a high-speed (1MHz) output module that supports Pulse/Direction, Up/Down and Quadrature pulse output on each of the two independent output channels.

  • The high-speed output module has both line driver and open drain outputs.
  • Additionally, it has six general purpose high-speed inputs and four general purpose outputs.
  • Simple move, velocity move, and additional high level instructions make it easy to implement the application's motion profile.
Productivity3000 PAC Input Simulator Module

P3-16SIM Input Simulator Module

The P3-16SIM Input Simulator module for the P3000 PAC provides 16 toggle switches to simulate input devices.

  • Sixteen hand-operated toggle switches
  • Sixteen logic side status indicators

Productivity3000 PAC Motion Control and Specialty Modules

P3-HSI * High-speed counter input module, (2) 1 MHz input channels, (2) 5-24VDC discrete inputs, (4) 5-24VDC discrete outputs
P3-HSO * High-speed pulse output module, (2) 1 MHz output channels, (6) 5-24VDC discrete inputs, (4) 5-24VDC discrete outputs
P3-16SIM Input simulator module, (16) hand-operated toggle switch inputs
P3-FILL Filler module protects unused I/O module slots in the P3000 PAC base

* Requires firmware version or later and software version or later

    Productivity3000 PAC Overview This link opens a PDF.


    4 Items

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    1. £676.00
      SKU: P3-HSI
      Productivity3000 high-speed counter input module, 2-channel, 1 MHz, 2 general purpose inputs, 5-24 VDC, 4 general purpose outputs, 5-24 VDC. Learn More
    2. £705.00
      SKU: P3-HSO
      Productivity3000 high-speed pulse output module, 2-channel, 1 MHz, 6 general purpose inputs, 5-24 VDC, 4 general purpose outputs, 5-24 VDC. Learn More

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